Babies Developmental Movement
Amazing Babies Moving - a research conducted by Beverly Stokes, Amazing Babies Academy. The video shows babies' movement of different developmental stages.
Early Mother Baby Relationship
Research conducted by Dr. Donald Gould, demonstrating where babies look while being fed.
Mother Infant Interaction
New York University, 1967
This is the first installment in a series about the behavioral and emotional interaction between mothers and infants in the first year of life. In a study of these relationships, more than 100 mother-infant pairs were observed clinically, and the feeding of each infant by the mother was filmed at intervals during the year. Seven types of maternal behavior with infants are shown. The narrator observes that a mother's handling of her infant during feeding is linked to the child's later behavior and personality. Credit: Sylvia Brody, Sidney Axelrad.
I don't need toys.
An educational film demonstrating how babies don't need toys. There are no such thing as "educational toys". What babies need are a healthy relationship with main caretaker and a safe environment to explore. Babies should also be left to explore without being constantly interrupted.
A baby's attention during play.
An educational film on how babies develop attention and focus. Babies should be left to play on their own in a safe environment, and should not be constantly instructed on what to play with and how to play.
The Moving Chid III:
Developmental Movement in The First Year.
Featuring Bonnie Bainbridge-Cohen, Susan Aposhyan, Martha Eddy, Mariko Tanabe, Maryska Bigos, Annie Brook and others. This innovative film outlines the physical, emotional and cognitive importance of the developmental movement patterns to human development, and includes three case studies of how to help babies with challenges.