Quality of early relationships is reflected in every child’s personality.

What is Zero to Two?

Touch and eye contact for newborns during breastfeeding are the first forms of communication from a mother to her child, as it is how a child comes to know itself and forms its emotional world. In response to the mother’s handling, an infant organises its patterns of response through movement.

Developmental movement (rolling over, crawling, walking, and climbing) is the way we move in the first year of our lives. They are movement that help us develop and are key to our physical, cognitive and emotional health, as well as are movement that reflect developmental milestone.

Misattunement as early as in the first 3 months can cause stress in pre-verbal children, resulting in developmental delay and if not detected early can impact their sense of self, emotional state and behaviour.

Though every mother’s responsibilities towards her child are the same, not every child is born with the same temperament and needs. Through movement analysis we assess how pre-verbal children reveal their internal states, giving mothers insights on understanding how to fulfil the needs of their children, in order to build strong foundation for emotional bonding, physical, cognitive and social abilities.

What we do?:

Our work is about early detection and intervention.

Research shows that attunement between a mother and her baby is crucial to the child's development. Most mistakes in attunement often occur within the first 3 months and the impact can last a lifetime.

Why early detection and intervention?:

The sooner a mother learns to understand the basic needs, feelings and how to care for her pre-verbal baby, the faster she is able to create a safe holding environment, necessary for building empathy and trust.

How we do it?:

Pre-verbal children reveal their internal states through their movement, during feeding and play. Assessment done through videos during daily interactions,……..

Our Services

  • Early Childhood

    Early Childhood Development (0-2 years) Consultation:

  • Movement Profile

    Movement Profile for Children (MPC):

“Klom was 7 years old when her mother was enquiring about MPC, due to her being extremely jumpy, hyper and talkative. Her mother’s main worry was that Klom might have ADHD….”

— Annie Kittisarankiat

“ Infants of high-stress mothers are less responsive to their mothers, and these infants are deemed harder to read. Hence, relationship difficulties emerge. ”

Crnic et al. (1983)